Tuesday, March 21, 2017

31-32 Weeks

This baby is a handful and he's not even out of the womb yet! Last Tuesday, we had a growth ultrasound. Overall, he was in the 30th percentile, estimated weight of 3 lbs 11 oz, and aced his BPP.  However, baby's belly was measuring small (~7th percentile). He also had a small dilation in his umbilical vein called a varix. It is just over the threshold for being considered a dilation: 9 mm is the cutoff and his was 9.7 mm. The doctor didn't seem too concerned but did mention the possibility of an early induction and wanted us to follow-up with the high-risk doctor.

Yesterday we had our follow-up. The results were pretty much the same, but they were able to check a few other things. In particular, they were able to look at the blood flow through the umbilical vein. The concern with a varix is that the blood flow could become turbulent or a blood clot could form, but the scan yesterday showed that that is currently not an issue. We were glad to hear that! The dilation has also not grown since last week. The high-risk doctor wants to do weekly ultrasounds to monitor and recommended induction at 36-37 weeks. At that point, she said the risk of him staying in longer outweighs the benefits.

So here we are. Two doctor appointments every week (one high-risk, one regular OB) and baby will be coming in 3-4 weeks assuming that the varix remains stable. I'm surprised by how upset I am at the idea of induction. Or maybe I'm upset that we are dealing with yet another issue. Or the fact that I have even less time to get everything ready. Or maybe it's everything rolled into one. Hopefully, I'll feel more positive in a few days, but right now I just feel like curling up into a ball and sleeping for a while.

Enough Debbie Downer. Here are some pictures!
Picture on right taken on Sunday.  Feeling huge! 
Framed prints for baby's room made from a calendar.
Halfway done with baby's crochet mobile (I'm actually done now, but need to put it together!)


  1. You look awesome!!

    I'm sorry that they found something to worry you about. The positive stance is that it is good they found it before it is an issue. I am sorry that it just gives you more to worry about, though.

    You are growing a baby, and right now, you are the only one REALLY taking care of that baby. As much as everyone wants to help and give you breaks, the buck stops with you. That's why everything worries you. It's okay. Everything worried me, too. You're a good mom already doing what you think is best for your baby. Hang in there. Knowing baby is coming early may be scary, but it may also help you with a plan to have your family near and everything prepared "on time."

    Love to you and your little peanut!

  2. Also, I am impressed with your crochet skills! Woo hoo!
