Monday, April 10, 2017

35 Weeks

We have spent the past few days in total preparation mode. I feel like we should be relaxing a bit more, but I know that if I don't stay busy, my mind will start racing with worries... which I definitely don't want. I think I was on my feet for 6-7 hours yesterday and I was definitely feeling it ... my back was so stiff and sore by bed time. I will NOT miss all these aches and pains! Anyway, the nursery is almost there. We just need to hang up the prints we have ... hopefully, we can do that tomorrow. (We'll still need to buy a dresser at some point, but that is obviously not going to happen in time!). Overall, I'm trying to accept that the house will not be perfect and to be content with whatever we get done.
Mike made and painted the book ledges. Love them!
Changing table is from when Brad and I were babies.  I've been using it as a dresser, but now it's returned to its original purpose :)
Pack n' Play bassinet is ready to go!
We also had our final ultrasound today. They checked that the umbilical vein varix was still stable (it is!) and also did a growth assessment. Baby is measuring at 34 weeks 1 day (I'm 35 weeks 6 days) and his estimated weight is 4 lbs 15 oz. He was moving a lot during the ultrasound and the tech repeatedly pointed out all the practice breaths he was taking. So he's doing great! I asked the doctor if he could just be a small baby, and he said that based on what they are seeing, that appears to be the case. We got Blizzards on the way home to celebrate and to try to pack that extra ounce on baby and push him over 5 lbs ;)  AND I actually have a couple pictures to share (we hadn't gotten any for several weeks).
Sweet foot (by his face as usual)
A peek at his face!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

34 Weeks and a Date

Baby is doing great. The umbilical vein issue was stable again at our ultrasound on Monday. We had our weekly OB appointment today and the doctor confirmed that we will be admitted to the hospital next Wednesday evening. They will insert some medicine to help with cervical softening and dilation overnight and then start the pitocin at some point on Thursday. She also checked my cervix and I am 1 cm dilated. She said this was a good place to start since some women stay closed up tight even past their due dates. There is still some question about whether I will be able to have an epidural given the lower back surgery I had in 2008. She had me call an anesthesiologist last week and I guess it was just a general phone number to the anesthesiology department because the guy that answer seemed very confused as to why I was calling. I explained the surgery I had and without asking many questions he said that he didn't think it would be an issue. After I told them about the odd-ness of the call, someone from the doctor's office called and talked to a different anesthesiologist and she said basically that they will just have to try it and see. If it hurts me too much, they will stop. Well, that's not very reassuring ...

Next Monday, we will have our last ultrasound before baby comes. This one will be a growth scan which we haven't had in a few weeks. It will be good to have a sense of how big baby will actually be when he is born. I'm hoping for at least 5 lbs.

So this weekend is our final weekend as a family of two (+ Patches, of course!). I'm feeling a bit disconnected from everything ... is this really happening? It's supposed to be nice this weekend here, so we will try to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. And I'm sure I will take lots of naps because I have been SO TIRED. I'm a pretty tired person, in general, but this level of tired is new to me! We will also be scrambling to finish up last minute baby projects. We did manage to do some nursery prep finally last weekend because Mike's dad came over to help him move all the guest room furniture into the newly remodeled third bedroom. Here is the current state of the nursery:
What you don't see is all the boxes/mess that I shoved out of the picture :)
Hopefully, we'll have it a little more decorated before baby comes home, but I guess he won't really know the difference if we don't get it done!